> Chris Zumbrunn's personal think tank
>>> Morgana - Selling Digital-Font based Sign-writing
> Macworld Expo 1988 Amsterdam
> Acorn Archimedes RISC Technology
> Anno 1987: Knowledge Navigator
> Anno 1986: Max Headroom in the News
> FidoNet
> Anno 1985: Amiga 1000
> Hello World on C128 in CP/M Mode
> Analog Desktop Publishing in 1984
> Anno 1982: Vic-20
> Gamchi
> Postel's Law
> The Future Is Unwritten
> Earth Mother and Fortieth Floor by Lesley Duncan
> La Linea by Osvaldo Cavandoli
> CoinFest 2016, April 5-10, Mont-Soleil
> California by Joni Mitchell
> Supplement to the Whole Earth Catalog
> Neil Young
> Kurdistan-reve-de-Printemps
> Whole Earth Catalog
> Anno 1968: Mony Mony and People Got to Be Free
> August 28th 1968: William Buckley Vs Gore Vidal
Freedom and Solidarity
since 1985
Chris Zumbrunn
Listening to
Décentrale Synergiehub
2610 Mont-Soleil
+41 329 41 41 41
Chris Zumbrunn's Mochazone
Anarchy 2023 renversé
The Mycelium Model of Glocal Governance
The Summer Camps experience of St-Imier 2017
St-Imier Gatherings 2017: July 30 - September 22
Participate in the solutions of tomorrow!
Richard Moore on the Electric Universe and Climate Change
Verpasst: Eine grosse Chance für ein krisensicheres Geld
Decentralised Jokes
The numbers of the day: 62 vs 50% and 1% vs 99%
Why Wikipedia might be the most important invention ever
Decentralized Autonomous Popcorn Time
RSS murderers, some must rebuild bridges you have willfully destroyed
Outcomes of the Decentralise Now Gathering
Decentralise Now Gathering for the 99%
Stage dinitiation aux plantes sauvages comestibles et médicinales
Tesla: All Our Patent Are Belong To You
Own The Change: Building Economic Democracy One Worker Co-op at a Time
The New Decentralized Internet - MaidSafe
RingoJS 0.11 is out!
Join the 2014 Beau-Sejour Gatherings, November 14-30
La Décentrale Mont-Soleil
Culture of Collaboration
Les idées principales de l'anarchisme et la critique de l'Union Européenne
Polymoney Workshop
Zukunftsforum im Lorraine Quartier
The Cryptosphere: decentralised, secure and open Web platform
Rolling Stone: In the Belly Of The Beast
Trends in Civic Tech
Changelog for RingoJS 0.10
Invitation to the 2013 "Beau-Sejour" gathering, October 25-27 in St-Imier, Switzerland
Virtual roundtable on governance
E-Voting: gesunde Skepsis und OpenSource ist nötig
in-vitra Kulturen- und Kunstplattform in Biel-Bienne
Es gibt kein Recht auf unethisches Verhalten.
Open Air Filmvorführung in Bern am 11.8.: In Transition 2.0
Sommerfest von Transition Bern
Surfing Democracy November 25-26 2013
Green Phoenix Congress, September 25-29 2013, Schweibenalp, Switzerland
Leitideen des Anarchismus und EU-Kritik
Nourrir la ville - Tagung für lokale und nachhaltige Strategien
Installing Democracy
Edward Snowden, NSA PRISM wistleblower
Grüne NetzpolitikerInnen gegen BÜPF und NDG
Collaborate locally, collaborate globally
Dare to imagine: The grid that is us
Original Black Bloc exhibited
The means are the way
Because *somebody* has to stand up for the people of the Internet
Reserve Ratio, Inter-Bank Lending and Equity Ratio
Social Capital World Forum 2013
Art of Participatory Leadership 2013
Zukunft säen Vielfalt ernten
Overview & Continuum by Planetary Collective
Occupy Love by Velcrow Ripper
More than Honey by Markus Imhoof
Transition Town Bern am 25. April
Simone Rebmann als Regierungsstatthalterin!
Governance Futures Lab for ReConstitutional Convention
Taste the Waste - about the worldwide destruction of food
La Vélokaravane à Courtelary le 13.4.2013 au Toit des Saltimbanques
Paddock cahier des charges choice creating session
Ad-hoc Choice Creating
Gründungsversammlung Swiss Foodcoop Genossenschaft
Jim Rough enjoying Hiltl...
RingoJS hits 0.9
Souper et débat politique - Round Three
Weltformatplakat GPB-DA, Stadtratswahlen 2012
NEIN zum Tierseuchengesetz am 25.11.2012 - NON à la loi révisée sur les épizooties
Participate.ch brings Dynamic Facilitation Training to Zurich, March 4-6, 2013
Souper - Débat politique à Espace Noir
Du 8 au 12 août, les Imériens accueilleront les anarchistes du monde entier
St-Imier 2012 Anarchism Gathering Program
The Transformation Project
Empowering Public Wisdom - The Manifesto
The Story of Change
A Guidebook of Alternative Nows
Albert Streichs Mittnächtler
Declaration of Interdependence, Occupy Café and Occupy National Gathering
Confirmation of the Higgs Boson and the Standard Model
Plonk & Replonk
Radical Openness
Surfing Democracy - Dynamic Facilitation and Wisdom Councils
From Consumers to Citizens
Deepening Democracy Days, June 2-12, 2012
Sophie's Choice in Bovine
TerreVision - agriculture contractuelle
The axis of evil runs through our dining tables
Guggenheim by The Ting Tings
Consensus is not something you either have or not. It is something you always have more or less of.
Self-organisation as a powerful change agent
Sixteen Saltines by Jack White
Participate.ch macht Deliberative Demokratie mit Konsensforum
International Anarchism Gathering, St-Imier 2012
If what you are doing is not helpful, please stop doing it. Seriously.
Out of Print: The 20th Century
Jacob Appelbaum and National Security Agency whistleblower William Binne on growing state surveillance
The Adobe Creative Cloud is coming!
Working on true, bottom up subsidiarity
Beim Denken sind Tiere auch nur Menschen
Light Table - a new IDE concept
Saturn Return by She Keeps Bees
Lea & story-209 by michelo-ud
Tim Anderson and Matthew Slater on Community Forge
Journée: Coopératives & énergies renouvelables
Summer 2012 will be the Woodstock of Anarchism
Late in the Night by Heartless Bastards
House Rules
Everyone is an exception. Let's try and catch each other.
Finish your Beer
Zweites Eichhorn 2011 by michelo-ud
I believe I know what is true, but I know I don't know what is real.
O Freedom by Billy Bragg
Bradley Manning by Cass McCombs
The Foundation of Democracy
The Three Pillars of Democracy
Will Not Follow by Gringo Star
Hydrogen production from inexhaustible supplies of fresh and salt water using microbial reverse-electrodialysis electrolysis cells
Fortschritt statt schildbürgerliches Wachstum
Consensus & Direct Democracy @ Occupy Everything
Libertär, EU-kritisch, ökologisch, sozial
The Creative Cloud, Elasticity, Touch and Context
Privacy is only needed to the extent that society is malfunctioning.
Antwort auf offenen Brief von Tobias Sennhauser
Evolution is not about the survival of the fittest, it is about the optimization of the synergies.
New GPB-DA Poster (and Logo) for the Federal Elections 2011
Here's to the crazy ones!
How To Design A Good API and Why it Matters
Die Grünen sind die liberalsten
Ralph Nader, Dennis Kucinich, Ron Paul
25th Fête de la Lune Noire
Switzerland is Not a Nation - it is a Philosophy
Damn Love Song by Amy LaVere
Re: parteifrei.ch
RingoJS 0.8.0 is out!
Strength in Numbers by Colin Scallan
This Painting is Not Available in Your Country
Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform
Customer Experience Management
Not becoming part of the problem when trying to be part of the solution
What's Next California
The Data Liberation Front
The Definition of Love
Paradise with Side Effects
Permaculture - A Quiet Revolution
Storm Song by Smoke Fairies
Best Music, News, and More is Back!
Christiana Bike gone missing in Basel
Newark Peace Education Panel
Wishful thinking is the mother of all progress
AIR is to apps as PDF is to docs
Everything is either simple or flawed
Canada, please evolve
Piledriver Waltz by Alex Turner
Blue Tip by The Cars
Re: Administrivia
Madame Trudeaux by KT Tunstall
Powerful stroke of insight
How to Save the World, Fast and Easy
Think before teaching young dogs old tricks
It Hurts Me Too by First Aid Kit
Asmaa Mahfouz starting a revolution
No more White Stripes
Could uprisings in Egypt and the Arab world produce a 'Muslim Gandhi'?
The decision to store data in a database is usually a case of premature optimization
Cablecom baffled by service interruptions
Fixing the Future
Please Take by Wire
Software Engineering
So Long, Larry King Live
WikiLeaks moves to Switzerland
Making Antimatter where the Web was born
Which system setting, Mr. Citrix?
Daniel Ellsberg on Wikileaks
Unconditional Responsibility meets Total Compassion
Peaceful Valley Boulevard and Rumblin
Order is an addictive illusion
Ringo Release 0.6
Predictions of an ugly IPv4-to-IPv6 transition
Link Love for Javascript
Bungee jumps for all congressman, free!, no strings attached
Open source Facebook replacement Diaspora drops first alpha
Angry World by Neil Young
Faked web browsing
Nice comparison of Ringo and Node
Erbix CommonJS soft-coding engine
The Paul Allen Suit
Web services should be both federated and extensible
Reality is an onion, and depending on how deep you think, it may seem to contradict itself
Oh No! by Marina And The Diamonds
If there is anything supernatural, it is humanity itself
Lila Luftschloss
We have the world we want
CoffeeScript, underscore.coffee and underscore.js
Brendan Eich on Proxies, Modules and other Proposals and Strawman
Good for Adobe, Good for Day, Good for the Ecosystem
Will Adobe see the light (of Day)?
What's Up Doc? by Carbon/Silicon
How creativity occurs
RingoJS vs NodeJS
Sweet People by Alyosha
RingoJS 0.5 released
Your Personal Religion by Sophie Hunger
Lost and Found by Steve Mason
Server-Side Javascript since... way back: RingoJS!
Modules, Proxies, and Ephemeron Tables
Helma 1.7.0 has escaped its stealth existence
The Moon And The Sky by Sade
Written In Reverse by Spoon
Keep Cool My Babies!
Module system strawpersons
You find what you google for.
Move your money - It's a Wonderful Life
ServerJS - Brewing The Perfect Storm
While society must do things the right way, its people must find ways to do the right thing
CommonJS effort sets JavaScript on path for world domination
ServerJS - putting Javascript to work on the *other* side
Eating healthier would safe the planet
JVM Web Framework Smackdown
Before implementing a solution to a problem, always search for a workaround, because the workaround is often better than the original solution
If they are not ready for what they need, give them the backbone for their future baby steps
Been there, but haven't done that
Unus Pro Omnibus - Omnes Pro Uno
Hang You From the Heavens by The Dead Weather
Web-based editing of sandboxed server-side javascript apps
PubSubHub against spam and walled gardens
CometD at a glance
Be part of the solution, not part of the problem
Get Around by Neil Young
Surrender by Cheap Trick
A car has nothing to do with a carpet
ES5 Candidate Specification
ReverseHttp and RelayHttp
The best solution is that one isn't needed
New Eclipse Helma plugin project
Is the Bespin web-based code editor the ideal future ServerJS IDE?
Server-Side Javascript Standard Library
First Soleil on Mont-Soleil
Rhinola 0.8 - Server JS reduced to the minimum
Helma turns 1.6.3
Helma 1.6.3-rc3 ready for testing
Helma 1.6.3 Release Candidate 2
Release Candidate 1 of Helma 1.6.3
Helma at the 2008 OpenExpo in Zurich
Large Hadron Collider
Ecmascript Harmony
The A-Z of Programming Languages jumps to Javascript
Fresh Javascript IDE in Ganymede Eclipse release
Helma at the Linuxwochen in Linz
Brendan on the state of Javascript evolution
Stuff by George Carlin
Is AppleScript done?
ES4 Draft 1 and ES3.1 Draft 1
Want ES4 in Helma today?
Permaculture 101
ES4 comes to IE via Screaming Monkey
Apple's position on ECMAScript 4 proposals
Helma Meeting Spring 2008
Attila Szegedi about Rhino, Helma and Server-Side Javascript, and scripting on the JVM in general
Helma 1.6.2 ready to download
Larry Lessig's case for creative freedom
Earthlings - Can you face the truth?
The Story of Stuff
A Quick Start to Hello World
The Overlooked Power of Javascript
Adobe's position on ES4 features, plus the Flex 3 SDK source code is now available under the MPL
Solar cell directly splits water for hydrogen
Asynchronous Beer and Geeking and other opportunities to talk about Helma, Rhino and Javascript on the server-side
Openmocha and Jhino updated to 0.8
Even more Server-side Javascript with Jaxer
e4xd and jhino - javascript server-side soft-coding
Additional Filename Conventions
Update to Helma 1.6.1
Netscape, the browser, to live one more month
Heavyweight Champion of the World by Reverend and the Makers
SimpleDB vs CouchDB
Nuclear plants in Switzerland are modern Orgetorixism
Helma powered AppJet - Takeoff!
CouchDB for Helma
Bubble bursting friendship bracelets
Evolving ES4 as the universal scripting language
Helmablog and an article in Linux Pro Magazine
More praise for Helma
Javascript as Universal Scripting Language
So, what's up with World Radio Switzerland?
Helma Conspiracy Theory
JSONPath and CouchDB
Hold the whole program in your head, and you can manipulate it at will
Keeping track of localhost:8080
Rhino 1.6R6 with E4X fix and patches for Helma
Helma 1.6 is ready!
Junction brings Rhino on Rails to Helma
Javascript for Java programmers
The server-side advantage
John Resig on Javascript as a language
Rhino on Rails
Release Candidate 3 of Helma 1.6.0
ECMAScript 4 Reference Implementation
Antville Summer Of Code 2007
Helma 1.6.0-rc2
Using H2 with Helma
Helma warped around existing db schemas
Rocket the Super Rabbit
Bootstrap is out of the bag
The last mention of Microsoft
Helma 1.6.0-rc1
Introducing Planet Helma
Helma ante portas
Fixing Javascript inheritance
Shutdown-Day the Helma way
Upcoming Helma 1.6, new reference docs and IRC channel
Making Higgs where the Web was born
Jala for Helma
See you at Lift'07
More on Javascript Inheritance
Mocha Inheritance
Helma 1.5.3
Fresh Rhino on Safari
Truly Hooverphonic!
Helma 1.5.2
RFC 4329 application-ecmascript
Helma 1.5.1 ready to download
Aptana - Eclipse reincarnated as a Javascript IDE
Building the Conversational Web
Drosera steps in to debug Safari
Helma 1.5.0 has been released!
Helma 1.5 RC2 is ready
Helma 1.5.0 Release Candidate 1 available for download
FreeBSD Jails the brand new easy way
Javascript 2 and the Future of the Web
Frodo takes on chapter 3
No Rough Cut :-(
Welcome to Helma!
40th Montreux Jazz Festival
Rails' greatest contribution
Consensus vs Direct Democracy
A candidate for CSCSJS or a Mocha Fetchlet
A (Re)-Introduction to JavaScript
coComment Roundup
Track your comments
Sketching image queries and reinventing email
ECMAScript - The Switzerland of development environments
I love E4X
Tutorial D, Industrial D and the relational model
Stop bashing Java
E4X Mocha Objects
Logging and other antimatters
Stronger types in Javascript 2
Javascript Diagnosis & Testing
Homo Oxymora
Yeah, why not Javascript?
Moving beyond Java
Spidermonkey Javascript 1.5 finally final
Helma Trivia
Finding Java Packages
JSEclipse Javascript plug-in for Eclipse
Catching up to Continuations
Mighty and Beastie Licenses
Tasting the OpenMocha Console
"Who am I?", asks Helma
Savety vs Freedom and other recent ramblings
Mont-Soleil Open Air Lineup
Rhinola - Mocha reduced to the minimum
OpenMocha 0.6 available for download
E4X presentation by Brendan Eich
What is Mocha?
Do you remember Gopher?
The current.tv disappointment
OpenMocha Project Roadmap
MochiKit Javascript Library
Getting your feet wet with OpenMocha
People flocking to see global warming
Rails vs Struts vs Mocha
The JavaScript Manifesto
OpenMocha is ready for a spin
The limits of harmonization
Le Conseil fédéral au Mont-Soleil
Amiga History Guide
The people must lead the executive, control the legislature and be the military
Copyback License
Looking at FreeBSD 6 and Beyond
Qualified Minority Veto
The Doom of Representative Democracy
Violence in a real democracy
Concordance and Subsidiarity
Wrapping Aspects around Mocha Objects?
Future of Javascript Roadmap
Baby steps towards Javascript heaven
Mac OS X spreading like wildfire
Trois petits filous à Faoug
Jackrabbit JSR 170
Rich components for HTML 5
More Java Harmony
Mac goes Intel
Google goes Rumantsch
Oxymoronic Swiss-EU relations
Rico and Prototype Javascript libraries
Paul Klee - An intangible man and artist
Incrementalism in the Mozilla roadmap
Mocha multi-threading
Moving towards OpenMocha
Google goes Portal
What Bush doesn't get
Unique and limited window of opportunity
Persisting Client-side Errors to your Server
Dive Into Greasemonkey
Brown bears knock on Switzerland's door
The experience to make what people want
"Just" use HTTP
Yes, what is gather?
A Free Song for Every Swiss Citizen
Java in Harmony
Jan getting carried away
Evil Google Web Accelerator?
JSON.stringify and JSON.parse
Ajax for Java
The launching of launchd
Timeless RSS
SNIFE goes Victorinox
AJAX is everywhere
Papa Ratzi
How Software Patents Work
Ten good practices for writing Javascript
Free-trade accord with japan edges closer
Mocha at a glance
Adobe acquires Macromedia
Safari 1.3
View complexity is usually higher than model complexity
Free Trade Neutrality
SQL for Java Objects
Security Bypass
Exactly 1111111111 seconds
Kurt goes Chopper
Choosing a Java scripting language
Spamalot's will get spammed a lot
The visual Rhino debugger
The Unix wars
EU-Council adopts software patent directive
FreeBSD baby step "1j"
Never trust a man who can count to 1024 on his fingers
Visiting the world's smallest city
Finally some non-MS, non-nonsense SPF news
Swiss cows banned from eating grass
Ludivines, the "Green Fairy" of absinthe
First Look At Solaris 10
EU Commission Declines Patent Debate Restart
Alan Kay's wisdom guiding the OpenLaszlo roadmap towards Mocha?
1 Kilo
Re: FreeBSD logo design competition
Schweizer Sagen
Europas Eidgenossen
Art Nouveau La Chaux-de-Fonds 2005-2006
XMLHttpRequest glory
The Beastie Silhouette
The Number One Nightmare
Safe and Idempotent Methods such as HEAD and TRACE
Sorry, you have been verizoned.
Daemons and Pixies and Fairies, Oh My!
Sentient life forms as MIME-attachments: RFC 1437
Anno 2004: CZV
Web Developer Extension for Firefox
Refactoring until nothing is left
Brendan, never tired of providing Javascript support
Catching XP in just 20 Minutes
Designing the Star User Interface
Rhino, Mono, IKVM. Or: JavaScript the hard way
Convergence on abstraction and on browser-based Console evaluation
Today found out that inifinite uptimes are still an oxymoron
New aspects of woven apps
Original Contribution License (OCL) 1.0
Unified SPF: a grand unified theory of MARID
BSD is designed. Linux is grown.
5 vor 12 bei 10 vor 10
Mocha vs Helma?
Schattenwahrheit: Coup d'etat underway against the Cheney Circle?
Abschluss Bilaterale II Schweiz-EU
From Adam Smith to Open Source
Linux - the desktop for the rest of them
Big Bang
Leaky Hop Objects
Return Path Rewriting (RPR) - Mail Forwarding in the Spam Age
Microsoft Discloses Huge Number Of Windows Vulnerabilties
Steuerungsabgabe statt Steuern
Anno 2003: deployZone
The war against terror
The war against terror (continued)
The relativity of Apple's market share
Are humans animals?
Server-side Javascript
Democracy Now!
The Cluetrain Manifesto
Anno 1999: Der Oberhasler
Anno 1998: volksrat.ch
Fan traces "lost" singer Rodriguez
Anno 1998: crossnet
Think different
The right time to buy Apple stock
Geschwindigkeit vs Umdrehungszahl
Anno 1997: Xmedia
"The meaning of life is to improve the quality of all life"
Cute Barristas at Peet's Coffee
Anno 1996: CZV
Alternative 1995
BZ Internet Cafe
Searching Gopherspace
Crossnet - der kollektive Intellekt der Schweiz
Global Screen Design Services
NEW-LIST digests
ACTIV-L Digest
Eternal September
AOL expanding Internet services
Anno 1993: Macro-micro navigator
Freude herrscht!
Anno 1992: Intouch i-station
You register me in 50 states
Anno 1991: mediacube
Friedrich Dürrenmatt - Die Schweiz als Gefängnis
Anno 1990: RasterOps
Enable the Creative
Photoshop Startup Memories and First Demo
Anno 1989: Lambada by Kaoma
Anno 1988: Perfect by Fairground Attraction
More >>>